Home » Remember tires when thinking of motorcycle safety
agosto 17, 2023

Remember tires when thinking of motorcycle safety


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When it comes to motorcycles, there are few things as important as the tires. «Tire maintenance is essential,» says Kevin Henry, senior product manager for Foremost motorcycle. «It doesn’t take a lot of time or effort to inspect a bike’s tires and it will help the motorcycle achieve top mileage and performance.»

Here are some tips that can help keep motorcycle tires performing in top condition.

– Check for proper tire inflation pressure.

For peak performance and fuel economy, it’s important that the tires are not over-inflated or under-inflated. Repeated under-inflation should be inspected because it could signal a slow leak that could cause a blow out.

– Don’t overload your bike.

Overloading places stress on the tires and can cause poor handling and excessive fuel consumption. Check your owner’s manual to determine limits.

– Look for wear.

Get in the habit of getting professional inspections to be sure the tires are in the best condition possible. Pay attention to tread wear indicators and keep an eye out for foreign objects, and cracks or grooves that would require replacement.

– Break in new tires.

Brand new tires should be ridden very cautiously for the first 100 miles to allow the tires to be «scuffed-in.» This provides the rider with an opportunity to get to know how the new tires handle and react.

We want you to stay safe this on your motorcycle at all times.

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