Home » Mobile home repairs: Drafts and leaks
julio 31, 2023

Mobile home repairs: Drafts and leaks

A mother and daughter playing outside of mobile home


An ounce of prevention saves a ton of trouble when it comes to making your home more comfortable. Why put up with drafts, leaks, excess moisture, mildew or pesky pests when you don’t have to?

You can put a stop to costly drafts or leaks before they start with the right sealant, caulking compound or roof coating. Unwanted moisture can be a problem even in today’s well-built and insulated manufactured homes, but not if you take steps to control it. Pests inside or under your manufactured home can also cause trouble. Homeowners agree it’s far easier to keep bugs or unwanted animals from getting into their manufactured home than it is to get rid of them once they’ve moved in! Here are some quick preventive maintenance tips that pay off in both time and money.

How to keep out drafts and leaks
Sealants, caulking compounds and roof coatings prevent leaks and drafts. Sealing your home is probably the easiest and least costly way to make your home more comfortable and energy efficient. Basically, any crevice, crack or connection (except the edges of siding panels) should be sealed.

To determine if your old caulk needs replacing, poke it with a screwdriver or nail. It should have a rubbery consistency. If it is hard, brittle and cracked, remove and replace it as part of your regular preventive maintenance. You will probably need more than one type of sealant to do your entire home. Here are some common sealant types:

Expensive, but excellent for most uses. High adhesion and longevity. Paint might not stick to surface.

Acrylic Latex:
Not quite as expensive as silicone. Good adhesion and longevity. Can be painted.

Vinyl Latex:
Somewhat expensive. Good around damp areas such as tubs and toilets.

Oil-Based Caulk:
Fairly inexpensive. Does not last long. Bonds well to most surfaces.

Expandable Foam:
An excellent way to fill gaps around pipes. Also provides insulation value. Very adhesive.

Roof Coating – Aluminum Based:
Available in a variety of grades. Should be applied to entire metal roof at least once every two years. Prevents leaks and corrosion.

Roof Coating – White:
Can be acrylic or elastomeric (rubber). More expensive than aluminum based roof coating. Prevents leaks and reflects sun’s rays. Keeps house cooler in summer.

Patching Cement:
For use on a metal roof. Ideal for patching holes and sealing seams.


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