Home » It’s hot. Don’t leave your kids in the car!
junio 12, 2023

It’s hot. Don’t leave your kids in the car!

Temperature gauge showing 100 degrees


I wish I were kidding. As an on-the-go-mom, I have sympathy for parents trying to multi-task, but there are certain things that we MUST pay attention to. Leaving the kids in the car while grabbing a snack in the gas station may be a time-saver, but with the extreme heat that can take place across the country, saving time is something you don’t want to test. As a mom, I’m going to give you a blunt reminder during this hot weather:


Yesterday the temperature gage in my car read 93 degrees. This is the exact temperature that proves your car can become an oven in high temperatures. According to the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, when it’s 93 degrees outside:

After 20 minutes temperatures inside a car = 125 degrees
After 40 minutes temperatures inside a car = 140 degrees

It’s also important to remember that your kids’ little bodies are effected by heat more quickly and severely than us adults, so our judgment of temperature is not accurate to that of a child. The stats above may be based on extremely hot weather, but in any temperature it’s never a good idea to leave your kids in the car alone. Saving a few minutes of time is far too big a gamble for the priceless cost it could pay. Don’t let those be the few minutes you regret forever.

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